NEOM on Tuesday launched its first diploma program, which aims to improve the technical skills of more than 6,000 trainees in the next five years and to localize jobs in different sectors of NEOM. In the first year of the program, 1,000 students will receive training in tourism, hospitality and cybersecurity. Students will receive training in NEOM Academy, which was launched in January.
NEOM Director Nadhmi Al-Nasr said that empowering competent people is one of the objectives of NEOM.
In its first year, 1,000 students will receive training in three major sectors: tourism, hospitality and cybersecurity. The NEOM Academy was set up in January 2020, in partnership with the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) and the University of Tabuk. The program will support the objectives of the Saudi Vision 2030 in developing the national manpower in different fields which will promote the growth of non-oil gross domestic production.