Our suppliers directory is now open for business. You can add your company to one of four different plans for increasing levels of visibility and detail. You can see the different listing types here.
The purpose of our directory is to advertise your services to companies involved in major construction projects across the Middle East region and beyond. Companies are already trading between themselves and we have frequent requests for assistance with projects which we showcase on our deals page.
It's quick and simple. There's no need to submit application documents, financial records or sign any NDA.
You'll need to create an account first by registering below. You'll be logged in automatically and then you have four options to create a profile for your business to promote it to our visitors.
We fully support the aims and direction of NEOM but have no connection with the NEOM project (or any other related entity) so to register as a supplier with them you'll have to complete the information available here and follow their instructions.