
Hydrogen is a clean fuel that, when consumed in a fuel cell, produces only water. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic resources, such as natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power like solar and wind. Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be used to store, move, and deliver energy produced from other sources.
The NEOM hydrogen project, called Helios, is led by a consortium including Air Products and ACWA Power International, a Saudi utility. Green hydrogen is manufactured with renewable energy.
The companies will use 120 Thyssenkrupp AG electrolyzers, each of them about 40 meters long, to split hydrogen from water. The fuel will be shipped from Saudi Arabia as ammonia, which is easier to transport than hydrogen in gaseous form.
The plant will be powered by around 4 gigawatts of solar and wind power, making it one of the largest being built globally. The area was chosen because of its abundance of sunlight, wind and empty land to place solar panels and turbines.
More information at NEOM